January 12,
13, 14, 2023 - Pennsylvania Reading Winter
Show. The largest pigeon show in the northeast! Wyndham
Lancaster Resort and Convention Center, 2300 Lincoln Hwy East (
RT 30 ), Lancaster, PA 17602. Specialty Host Meets Held at our
Show: American Archangel Club, American Baldhead Roller Club,
American Capuchine Club, American Frillback Club, American
Helmet Club, American Lahore Club, American Maltese Club,
American Mookee Club, American Owl Club, American Parlor Roller
Assoc, American Tippler Club, American Turbit Club, Atlantic
Modena Club, Eastern Chinese Owl Club, Eastern Fantail Club,
Eastern Hungarian Club, Eastern Jacobin Club, Eastern Pouter
Club; Cropper Club, Eastern Tumbler Club, Eastern Show Racer
Group, Indian Fantail Club, National English Trumpeter Club,
National Italian Owls & Figuritas Club, National Russian
Tumbler Club, Old German Owl Club, Rare Breed Club, Saddle
Homers USA, Short Faced Tumbler Clubs, United Nun Club, United
Swallow Club, West of England Club. Visit our website at
January 12, 13,
14, 2023 - Pennsylvania Reading Winter Show -
Portuguese Tumbler Club of America District Meet. Our judge will
be George Fontaine. Contact member in charge Pat Stuart
(stuart@ptd.net) with any questions.
January 19, 20, 21, 2023 - Texas = NPA Grand National
Pigeon Show - CANCELLED NPA Grand National Pigeon Show -
Amarillo, Texas -
Details here
January 19, 20, 21,
2023 - Utah Rocky Mountain Fancier Summit - Multiple
Specialty Clubs are having their National or Regional show at
this year Rocky Mountain Fanciers Summit due to the NPA Grand
National being Canceled. We invite everyone to come out to the
show and be apart of the fun. The show is January 20-21, 2023,
at the Golden Spike Exhibit Hall 1000 North 1200 West Ogden Utah
84404. Entry fee will be $5.00 per bird, Entries due December
31, 2022 to Josh Zilles 440 Shelley Ave, Shelley Idaho 83274.
Host hotel is Hilton Garden Inn Ogden Utah to make reservations
call 801-399-2000. Use discount code upc23 to get the room at
$125 per night. For more information go to
www.utahpigeonclub.com We hope to see you at the show.
September 24, 2023 - Pennsylvania Reading /
White Rose Pigeon Associations, Young Bird Show. Union Fire
Company 201 York St. Manchester, PA 17345. Contact: Barry
Wagner, Show Secretary Adn8691@yahoo.com 717-653-6146
October 7th, 2023 - Michigan (Bay City)
Saturday, October 7th, 2023 - Bay City Pigeon Fanciers annual
all breed, young bird pigeon show. 2023 Seamless banded birds
only. Held at the Bay County Community Center, 800 John F
Kennedy Drive, Bay City, Michigan. 48706. Our specialty clubs
include, The Rare Breeds Club, The National Russian Tumbler
Club, and the Old German Owl Club. We always have a for sale
section. For more information on attending the show, please
contact Barry Talaga, at 989-893-9879, or email me at:
October 27-28, 2023 - Kentucky
Portuguese Tumbler Club of America will be holding their Eastern
District Meet at the National Young Bird Show in Louisville, KY.
Judging will begin at 8 a.m. on Saturday morning. An
auction/sale of Portuguese Tumblers will be held at this show.
Contact members in charge Nathan McArthy,
nathanmcarthy@charter.net or Pat Stuart, stuart@ptd.net with any
October 28, 2023 - Kentucky National
Young Bird Show.
November 3-5, 2023 - Canada
Vancouver Poultry and fancy Pigeon Association is proud to be
hosting the CPFA classic, Canadian national show. Abbotsford,
British Columbia, Canada. Contact Andy Hansen at
ajhansen70@gmail.com or see our website
www.vancouverfancypigeon.ca for more info.
November 4, 2023 - Alabama The National West of
England Tumbler club's District 3 show will be held on Saturday,
Nov. 4th in Anniston, Alabama at the Calhoun County Agriculture
Center 4500 Bynum Leatherwood Road, Anniston, AL. 36206. Entry
fee will be $4.00 per bird. Judging will begin at 9 am EST. The
judge will be Bill Henderson. Coop times will be after 5 pm on
Friday Nov. 3rd and before 9 am on Saturday Nov. 4th. For more
information, please feel free to contact Jay Turner at
205-753-7800 or email at jturner@advancetank.com. PLEASE SUBMIT
ENTRIES BY Nov 1st. MAIL ENTRIES TO Jay Turner 3151 County Road
73 Randolph AL 36792 (205-753-7800) OR EMAIL ENTRIES TO:
November 5, 2023 - Pennsylvania
White Rose Pigeon Association, Annual Fall Show. Union Fire
Company. 201 York St. Manchester, PA 17345 Contact: Barry
Wagner, Show Secretary Adn8691@yahoo.com 717-653-6146
November 11, 2023 - Illinois JAPC's Illinois
All Breed. Join us for our annual all-breed, all age show right
here in Illinois! The show location will be the 4H building at
the Morgan County Fairgrounds, 110 N Westgate Ave, Jacksonville,
IL 62650. We will continue to offer a rapidly growing
buy/sell/trade section, a feed raffle, silent auction baskets, a
fantastic kitchen, and a 50/50 raffle. The Jacksonville Area
Pigeon Club is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year and we
welcome any specialty to come join us in this event. We already
have a $100 prize for both adult and junior champion overall,
with more prizes likely to be collected for this year. For more
information on attending this event, please contact: Sarah Brown
at (217)320-3543, or email the club at
November 11, 2023 - Kansas Saturday November
11, 2023-Kansas Pigeon Club Show. Join us for our 19th Annual
All Breed/ All Age Show. The show location is the Poultry
Building at the Kansas State Fairgrounds 2000 N. Popular,
Hutchinson, Ks. We have a large For Sale Section. Lunch will be
available on site. The Kansas Pigeon Club Invites all Specialty
Clubs to Attend. Specialty Clubs that regularly show with us are
: Central Fantail Club, National Modena Club, American Frillback
Club, Kansas Jacobin Club and many others. For more information
on attending the show please contact Ja Lena Woods, 10206 D Rd,
Ingalls, KS 67853 or call 620-855-0022. For Specialty Club
contract information please call Steve StClair at 785 506 2159
or email at pm66052@cox.net
November 11, 2023 - Minnesota The
Minnesota State Pigeon Association invites you to the Annual
North Star Classic all breed pigeon show. Where: The
Agribition Building on the McLeod County fairgrounds, Hutchinson
Minn. The MSPA North Star Classic is an annual all age all
breeds pigeon show. normally the show has around 700 to 1000
entries. Contact info
or Patti Dietzel MSPA Treasurer 12355 134th street Cologne, Mn.
NOVEMBER 18, 2023 - Virginia Saturday,
November 18, 2023 - Virginia Pigeon and Dove Association (VPDA)
Annual Fall Show. This all breed/all age show is open to the
many specialty clubs and individual hobbyists on or near the
east coast. Our show hall (Meadow Pavillon, 13191 Dawn Blvd,
Doswel, Va.) is exceptional with nice high ceilings and windows.
It’s located in the Meadow Event Park, about 2 miles east of
I95. Show hall will open from 2:00 to 8:00 PM on Friday 17
November and will open again at 7:30 AM on Saturday morning.
Lunch and drinks will be available as well as indoor sale cages,
raffles and other interesting activities. Contact Chris or
Roxanne Raines via email at VPDAUSAORG@gmail.com. Or visit our
VPDA website at www.vpdausa.org to download an application.
November 18, 2023 - Virginia The Old
German Owl Club’s Eastern Regional meet will be held at the
Virginia Pigeon and Dove Association (VPDA) Annual Fall Show.
Judge: Brian Elwell. Contact for additional information
and/or entry form: Forrest Malcomb (fdmalcomb@gmail.com)
November 25, 2023 - Connecticut
FAIRCOUNT Pigeon Show. The Northeast Premier All Age & All Breed
Pigeon & Dove show will be held the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
The show is held at Warsaw Park, Route 243 - 119 Pulaski HWY,
Ansonia, CT. We hold the largest and cleanest for sale section
of birds in the Northeast plus we will have venders on hand
selling their specialty products. Excellent food selection for
breakfast & lunch. The Faircount Club invites all specialty
clubs to attend. For more information on attending the show
please visit our website at www.FaircountClub.com or contact:
Jon Spodnick at (203) 372-1500 or join our email list at
contactfaircount@faircountclub.com to get the latest
December 2, 2023 - California
Portuguese Tumbler Club of America will be holding their Western
District Meet at the Nor Cal Pigeon Fanciers Winter Classic in
Granite Bay, California. Contact member in charge of this meet
is Jim Torrao at 510-724-6697 with any questions.
December 2nd, 2023 - Michigan (Bay
City) Saturday, December 2nd, 2023--Bay City Pigeon
Fanciers 86th annual all breed pigeon show. Old birds and young
birds welcome. Held at the Bay County Community Center, 800 John
F Kennedy Drive, Bay City, Michigan 48706. Our specialty clubs
usually include, The Rare Breeds Club, The National Russian
Tumbler Club, and the Old German Owl Club. We always have a "for
sale" section. Judges to be determined. We will start setting up
on Friday December 1st. You may enter your birds on Friday, late
afternoon or evening, or early Saturday morning as well. For
more information on attending the show, please contact Barry
Talaga, at 989-893-9879, or email me at:
December 2, 2023 - New Mexico Pecos Valley
Pigeon Club Annual Fall All Breeds/ All Age Pigeon Show.
Riverwalk Recreation Center, Carlsbad N.M. Specialty Clubs
welcome, several have already committed. A for sale section. For
information or entry forms Mickey Jackson ph. 575-200-4104 or
mjackson122000@yahoo.com Junior Ceballos ph. 575-840-6897 or
December 8th & 9th, 2023 -
Friday December 8th & Saturday December 9th, 2023-Iowa State
Pigeon Association Annual Show. Join us for our 95th Annual All
Breed/ All Age Show. The show location is the Jacobson Center at
the Iowa State Fairgrounds located in Des Moines at East 30th
Street and University Avenue. We have the largest For Sale
Section in the USA. Food will be available on site. The Iowa
State Pigeon Association Invites all Specialty Clubs to Attend.
We have over 6,000 coops so we can handle clubs of all sizes.
For more information on attending the show please contact Steve
StClair at pm66052@cox.net or call 785 506 2159. For Specialty
Club contract information Eugene Sande at 608-412-1868 or email
at eugenesande@yahoo.com.
December 9-10, 2023 - Iowa Portuguese
Tumbler Club of America will be holding their Central District
Meet at the Pigeons on the Prairie, Des Moines, Iowa. Contact
members in charge of John & Liesa Hopper, liesah@msn.com with
any questions.